萬海航運今年將持續對外發行永續報告書,並期許透過報告書的揭露,提升資訊透明度,公開萬海在ESG績效成果與努力。貴單位係本公司營運過程裡重要的利害關係人,還請 貴單位協助提供對於萬海航運在問卷中各項議題執行或管理情形的關注程度,作為後續報告書編撰的參考依據。
此份問卷僅會用作永續報告書編撰之參考,並不會影響萬海航運與 貴單位之合作關係,懇請撥冗對以下各議題之關注程度進行填答。
In order to better communicate with you/your organization and to improve our sustainability
disclosure, Wan Hai Lines Limited would like to ask for your assistance in filling out this survey.
Your response and suggestions will only be used to help us improve our sustainability
program and prepare the annual Sustainability Report.
Your time and help is deeply appreciated!