萬海造樹海 萬海造樹海

點擊樹木圖示查看詳情 Click the tree to learn more
  • 種樹數量(棵) Number of trees
  • 減少碳排放量(kg) Carbon Reduction(KG)

2022年萬海推動「萬海造樹海 」植樹養護計畫,在台灣這塊美麗的土地長期植樹造林。面對全球暖化及氣候變遷,萬海航運為善盡環境保護之社會責任,承諾以全員參與、永續發展的經營理念,以具體行動致力推動環境保護措施、減緩溫室氣體排放調適地球暖化、促進地球資源永續利用。

In 2022, Wan Hai Lines launched the "萬海造樹海" afforestation and conservation program to plant and care for trees in Taiwan. Faced with global warming and climate change, Wan Hai Lines is committed to fulfilling its social responsibility for environmental protection, with a business philosophy of sustainable development and full participation. Through concrete actions, Wan Hai Lines is dedicated to promoting environmental protection measures, reducing greenhouse gas emissions, adapting to global warming, and promoting sustainable use of Earth's resources.